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After my DLLC and LLC, it was time to go home. This set starts with a video of my DLLC getting cut down to a very unique SLC. I LOVE the way the cast saw feels, it tickles so much as you can tell with the laughter from this removal clip. After it is cut down, the cast is shaped around one of the remaining Alice in Wonderland drawings from the paid, making a bunny cast complete with ears! I then paired my plaster SLC with a CAM to provide my newly weakened ankle with extra support, while I kept the plaster to protect my legitimately broken ankle as I crutched through Montreal and the airport one last time.

In this set I start off my journey home by struggling down the stairs I had initially "broken" my legs on.  Slowly and carefully I make it down the stairs and then I crutch to a local diner where I wait for an Uber and take a few pictures to include of me waiting on the side of the road with my luggage. My friend @Customcasts was able to capture some great footage in slow motion of me crutching to the diner and through the airport. Which, I mixed with music to create beautiful unique crutching videos that I hope you enjoy. I love rewatching these videos, and watching as people check me out after they pass me. I always feel so invisible, but it's because most people wait until I am not looking to stare haha.

I am so very very happy that we decided to cut the cast off with ears. All of the flight attendants and staff were so fascinated by it that they HOOKED me up. I told them I could get myself onto the plane, but they insisted on getting me help. (Canadians are so freaking nice!)

So when it came time for me to get on the plane, a few strong gentlemen picked me up and carried me onto the plane (POV footage included). And instead of carrying me to my assigned seat, a flight attendant nonchalantly told them to put me in Seat 1A. The first row in first class with a window seat!! This was the first time I had ever been in first class and my goodness was it amazing. So the entire flight home I was able to rest my ankles up on the wall in front of me and take pictures of my bunny-eared cast while enjoying food with real silverware and wine

What an absolutely amazing end to an absolutely amazing trip. 

2:30 crutching along the sidewalk
1:30 crutching through the airport
0:40 of being carries onto the plane.
10 Travel pics

SLC & CAM Travel Combo

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