My Weekend COVID-19 Getaway Castventure
Casual Life
Daily Struggles
22 Public Portraits at a hotel, and down on Fremont
16 Videos/ Clips
1. Struggling onto the Bed
2. Eating Chips in Bed3. Drumming with Hangers
4. Posing in the Sun (Sole Shots)
5. How high does it go?6. Knocking
7. Smoke Break - and the struggle inside
8. Struggle for Tea
9. Sun on My Casts
10. FULL Wheelchair Stroll Video
11. Will you put my socks on for me?
12. Tiktok
Boomerang at the Bar - Can’t reach with my chairBoomerang in Bed Excited
Boomerang on Tummy
Boomerang in Bed
Included by Request - 5 Dip Pics **
I will email you the link to a Google Drive folder within a few hours of you placing the order <3
Pink and White Sport Sock DLLC