This week has been a wild ride of emotions. I came to El Paso to get medical treatment from one of the border doctors willing to help me. Because I have Osteopenia, my bones are so very weak and I break easy. If that wasn't complicated enough, I'm also a brittle diabetic and it takes me forever to heal.
My Dr is concerned that I won't end up healing. But surgery is out of the question as there would be more serious risks. So the Dr is taking my injury very very seriously. He prescribed me an LLC for the next 6 months in order to keep my leg entirely immobilized and to keep even my ligaments from moving and potentially destroying any healing progress.
While I enjoy casts, the idea of possibly losing my leg is very very scary. But I am very very thankful to have the support of this community and to have found such a talented, caring Dr willing to help me.
Now that I have this cast on, all my stress and worry has gone away, at least temporarily. The Dr did such an amazing job. The cast is made perfectly and does suck a great job of immobilizing my entire leg. It's been an interesting weekend getting used to life in the cast.
In this folder, you'll get access to all my pictures and videos from the first two weeks of this cast.
All sorts of content both with and without socks:
Daily Struggles - cleaning, cooking, dealing with itches, getting comfy on pillows, bathing, etc
Public Crutching
Showing off the Cast
Toe Teases
Sock Peeling
Pairing with different shoes, heels, boots, fur sliders, etc.
And purchase before Feb 20th for a free custom video of your choice to be included in the folder.
The naughty folder upgrade contains classy artistic nude photos, rope play, and lingerie sets showing off how sexy I feel in this LLC
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