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This is The End

Writer: PrincessPrincess

This is The End I want to start by saying, this has been an amazing journey with all of you. I am so beyond thankful for the love this community has shown me over the last few years. You all turned something traumatic into something completely life-changing for me. This account started when I broke my ankle during the week I buried my mom. I was BROKE at the time, had no insurance, had a boyfriend I took financially took care of, and I had recently gotten out of an extremely abusive marriage with a man who tried to kill me. And as fun as it looked, breaking bones was traumatic for me. Growing up, I was expected to carry on the same, never getting any help. Which made me strong as fuck, and I am thankful for it. But I always craved love, care, the affection, and I never got it. Instead, each injury came with months or even years of setbacks, of feeling like a burden, of struggling to keep up, of being told I was worthless, pathetic, and weak. Until I met you. While yes, there was a bit of creepy messages to filter through in the beginning, the overwhelming majority of you all cared so deeply for me. You showed me how beautiful I was, how creative, smart, and strong. You showed me that broken bones can’t stop me, that I can use any “negative” experience life through at me and turn it into something beautiful. You made me your princess, and it has changed my life for the better. I had the honor of going on my fair share of dates, and cast ventures with so many sweet and amazing gentlemen. Who SPOILED me with care, affection, attention, and praise, and showed me what I should expect from a partner, rather than so much of the abuse I knew. And surprisingly, the majority treated me like a princess and a friend first, rather than a sexual object (as one might expect with hanging out with people who are fetishizing your injuries). My friends and family were nervous when I would go on these castventures, worried about how I would be treated or worried that guys would get the wrong idea. But instead, I was met with (almost) nothing but genuine friendship and respect, and adoration. I remember one of the first conversations I had with a caster. I was complaining about my medical conditions and how this was going to be hard to keep up. He explained to me, that this was a gift from the universe to allow me to slow down, and take the time to heal. He told me I did not need to keep up, but rather I could count on the support of others to carry me through as I take the time to heal. This advice changed my life. My ankle was broken for almost 2 years, and instead of dreading it or complaining about it, I accepted it as a gift. In that time I took his advice to heart and went through what felt like a lifetime of healing spiritually, mentally, and physically, not only for myself but alongside you all and this community. The experiences and the challenges that I have been through as a result of breaking my ankle, have changed my life and reprogrammed the way I live. I am in no way the same person I was when this started. This community also taught me how not to judge, and how to live without fear of others' judgments. If I could walk around downtown in a SS, do you think I give a single fuck what people think about me? The more wild the casts, the more so many judged me saying I was faking it, the more I went in public, and shared with my friends, the less fucks I gave about anyone’s opinion of me. It’s been a while since I was last injured. But I still find myself constantly surrounded by adventure, completely happy with who I am, and receiving more princess treatment now than I ever received, even in the cast. It has been a while since I made or felt like making any new content. It was fun while I was actually injured, a way to heal and make lemonade out of my lemons. I could justify publican because at least I was actually injured in some sort of way. So I wouldn’t feel guilty if someone gave up their seat, etc. But now that I am fully able-bodied, I feel like wearing a cast, is almost manifesting as an injury to happen. Now I know you all would love that and would continue to take great care of me. But things got really scary during my last injury as I faced potential amputation. I am still very fragile, and if I do end up breaking another bone, you bet your bums I will turn this website back on and return. But in the meantime, I really want to enjoy other adventures and learn some new life lessons as a fully able-bodied princess in the meantime. And if I do want to put on a cast for sexy time, it will be for me to enjoy with my partner and live in the moment as this account was never about making money off of sexual content. It was just about having fun and healing. My website is about to renew, and it’s going to cost me far more to keep it open than it’s worth. So instead, I was to give you all one last opportunity to check out some of the most amazing adventures I have had, all while injured, in a boot, or cast for a great deal. I also have a ton of supplies and boots that are taking up far too much room in my closet that I will be posting for sale on my website. I know this is long-winded, but I just wanted to let you all know how much I love and appreciate every single one of you. Even the haters and trolls and pervs and scam artists taught me so many valuable lessons. <3 TLDR Use promo code THISISTHEEND for 70% off all content before I shut down the website at the end of the month.


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