My ankle started hurting today so I texted my Dr. He told me to make sure to keep it elevated.
I have this amazing chair at my desk with a little foot stand that u normally keep my foot up elevated on.

But when I showed the Dr he said it needed to be a little more elevated, and that the chair rest was too low.
So I propped up my cast onto my desk. But it just wasn't comfy. Although, it was fun to have my foot up on a pillow and to have my soles on display as my coworkers kept coming into my office.

This picture was taken right after my coworker brought me a few Bangs and came in my office trying to tickle my toes.
Because I was in pain, everyone was offering to help me out all day. I felt so cared for and it was so very sweet.
Shortly after this I texted my Dr again because the pain wasn't going away.
He told me if I was in pain that I should go home and prop it up on some pillows. He advised to me to stop using the rope as it could cause pressure points and wear out the padding.
I couldn't just go home, but luckily we had some pillows in the studio. So I crutched over and got one to prop up my cast comfortably and high on my desk.

Felt kinda funny working like this at first. But after a little while the pain started to subside.
And I won't lie, I've got quite the view from my desk.

What would you think if you came into my office and found my cast like this?
Love the bare toes - nothing looks better (except than a bare good foot) than bare casted toes!
WhatEver You Need ❤
Hey beautiful.... I’m glad you can do your posts some place you feel that it’s more comfort too tell your story. I know exactly to the letter what you are going through! You do you, I love chatting with you and seeing your pictures and artwork on here.... piss on those other people who don’t or can’t understand the crap you go through every single day, hour, minute, second of your life. You are making the best of it and living like you want too!! You are just too BADASS to let the haters get you down.... just keep doing what you need too and if happens to be, let it!!